Redefining the Customer Journey using AI

Don't go into it blindly

Dear Visionary,

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, there were three blind men who stumbled upon an elephant.

One blind man touches the elephant's leg and exclaims, "It's a tree!" Another blind man, feeling the trunk, shouts, "No, it's a snake!" The third blind man, touching the tusk, confidently declares, "You're both wrong! It's a spear!"

Oh, the confusion!

Just like these blind men, customers embark on their own journeys with a brand, creating a mosaic of experiences.

Understanding this variability is the key to effective marketing…or better yet, find a way to let AI make sense of it.

There's An AI For That | The #1 AI NewsletterThe #1 AI newsletter. Read and trusted by over 1.4 million readers, including employees at Google, Microsoft, Meta, Salesforce, Intel, Samsung, as well as thousands of AI influencers and enthusiasts.

By harnessing the power of AI, we can now navigate through the customer jungle with ease.

Aha. See what I did there?

AI helps us uncover the true nature of the customer journey, allowing us to tailor our strategies to meet their unique needs. It's like having a guide who can see the whole elephant and tell us exactly what it is!

If you like long in-depth articles that helps you peer in to the future, then you might like this blog post:

Navigating the Customer Journey Through Effective Segmentation

Businesses use customer segmentation to create targeted marketing strategies based on factors like spending amount, frequency and recency. This helps them avoid repetitive content and tailor their ads to the customer’s specific needs. While it may seem sneaky, it actually improves their marketing game by making their content more relevant and engaging. If you're curious about how they do it, check out my explanatory video.

Your 4 Main Categories:

  • Low engagement non-customers: Minimal brand interaction.

  • Highly engaged non-customers: Regular site visitors, no purchases.

  • Inactive/churned customers: Past customers, no recent engagement.

  • Highly engaged customers: Loyal, repeat purchasers with specific needs.

That’s a lot to consume for today, so let’s leave it there!

Have an awesome day,

Justin Theng