💡Crack the Code

How To Find Your Customers Like a Pro

Hey there Go-Getter!

So, you've got an amazing product, an awe-inspiring vision, and an unshakable belief in your business. Yet, there's one question that keeps you awake in the wee hours: "Where on earth are my customers hiding?"

I've got some answers!

You see, some entrepreneurs seem to have a sixth sense about where to find their customers. They're like hound dogs, sniffing out their perfect client from miles away. While others... well, they're more like a dog chasing its tail. If you're feeling like the latter, don't fret!

Today, we're going on a customer hunting journey. This isn't just a simple walk in the park. No, we're about to delve into the three golden locales where you'll find your perfect customers, guaranteed.

Why is this so crucial?

It's all about focus, my friend. Focus is like gold – precious and finite. Every minute you spend chasing the wrong customers is a minute you can't get back.

So let's uncover these mystical customer hotspots.

First up, we have what I call "The Lock". Imagine a place where your ideal customers are just flocking, like birds migrating south for the winter. This could be a social media platform, a trade show, or even a popular blog. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find your "Lock".

Next, we venture into the "Likely" terrain. Where else might your customers be hanging out? Let's say YouTube is your "Lock", but there's a good chance they're also scrolling through Instagram or engaging in Facebook groups.

The "Likely" is the complement to your "Lock", don't ignore it!

Finally, we reach the "Long Shot". This is the dark horse of customer locales. They might be there, but it's a roll of the dice. A lot of businesses mess up by spreading themselves too thin across the Lock, Likely, and Long Shot. Remember, your focus is gold - don't squander it.

I want to hear from you! Let me know if you found this tip useful for bringing focus.

Your friendly neighborhood wealth-grower,

Justin Theng


Convert & Conquer: Mastering Your Welcome Automation Emails Using Behavioural Science

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